
Con razón

¿Tanto poder podemos perder?

"Trying out a new hobby, getting involved in your community, or tapping into your spiritual side can help you recover from — and prevent you from having — an emotional affair. "When you have more interests in your life, you have less of a desire to find something exciting and taboo to intrigue you," says Stosny. "Plus, you'll lead a richer, fuller life with less emotionally needy gaps." After cooling things down with Lyle, Rebecca decided to refocus those energies on her guy and the other people close to her. "I can't expect that my husband is going to meet every emotional need in my life, so I'm reaching out to my girlfriends and spending more time with my family." She also recently signed up for a handwriting-analysis class, something she's always been interested in learning about, "just for fun and to get my mind on something else," she says."

"Stay honest with your husband. Share with him all your hopes, triumphs, and failures — as well as your attractions and temptations, which will help keep you from acting on them.
Make time for just the two of you on a regular basis — away from the kids, your friends, and family.
Surround yourself with happily married friends who don't believe in fooling around. Having positive, emotionally connected role models will help you stay on track




"My best guy friend and I were snuggled on his couch underneath a blanket when I realized that neither his girlfriend nor my boyfriend would be happy if they saw us — and that our platonic relationship wasn't as platonic as we thought." —Kim, 35, New Orleans"

The Affair You Don't Know You're Having
By Heather Johnson Durocher
© Redbook, Hearst Communications, Inc.
Obtenido de MSN Lifestyle

La respuesta es: ya lo perdimos.

Igual. Esto, fuera de fantasyland, es para matarse de risa.

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